In every sport you have guys that have just one great season and disappear never to be seen or heard from again. In some cases they remain on the team but in a very minor role. I have dug deep into Doubleday's 5 season history to find these guys..

Cole Holzemer, He started his career in Houston (Currently Austin) where he was looking to be a top performer for the franchise with his .291 BA, 22HR, 74RBI season. He was just 24yrs old... Since season 1 he has managed to barely hit over .240 and hasn't hit more then 13HR's.. We heard rumors that he has a career waiting for him at Home Depot if this season doesn't get any better in San Diego..

Frank Corcoran played only 2 seasons in Doubleday.. Originally he was on the Trenton Hoffa's (Currently Detroit) where he has his 1 good season. He played in 137 games and hit .313 with an OBP of .382... He retired after the 2nd season with the team saying he wanted to pursue a career in acting. From what we have heard he's starred in such roles as Rock "Hard" Johnson in several adult films..

Bubba Whiteside, once a great addition to the Montreal Shamrocks.. He was traded in season 2 to San Francisco where he had a very big drop from his previous season's success. After only 97 games in SF he was released by San Francisco.. Jackson picked him and he only played 1 game in season 3 only to never play again.. We found him serving hot apple pie at a diner in Crown City, OH. He refused to comment and was not happy to see us..
More news from past stars to come as Season 6 of Doubleday continues!